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The love of Venice 

Puppet Fabrication 

The selection of these photos are showing off the final outcome of my final major project during my last year of university. With a range of detailed photos of the puppets, to the set photoshoot.  The narrative behind the puppets is set in 18th century located Italy, Venice. During the festival of masks, two cross lovers are full of one another and plan runaway but a price to pay with tragedy and life. 

final venzico turnaround loop
final reaper turnaorund loop
final reaper 2 turnaround loop
final lucia  turnaround loop

These galleries are following my process of making and developing skills within the field of costume design. 

Doctor Jackel and Mr Hyde

The selection of images is showing outcome and the puppet's fabrication process. This project was based on the story of Doctor Jackel and Mr Hyde, a 19th-century thriller mystery. I was so drawn to it as a storyteller, The project included developing a character based on the original. Mine was influenced by animal behaviour, my idea was Jackel was a handsome silver fox, similar to his description in the book, the potion melted away the fur and grew to warts and slimy skin to the Mr Hyde toad. in this development I was developing my fabrication skills, learning new materials and experimenting with the skills I made. 

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